
Date Title Description Link Homework
02/27 HTML, CSS HTML tags, syntax, document structure. CSS basics. Webdev - HTML
03/06 CSS, g0v Intro Selectors, specificity, box model, positioning. Introduction to g0v by Kirby Wu. Webdev - CSS #HW1 by 3/24
Pain Point Report by 3/11
03/13 Design Thinking Gaining insight into all possible directions for improving our society using websites. Idea Pitching Slides by 3/18
03/20 Idea Pitching, JS & DOM 1 minutes for everyone to express her/his own interested topic. Javascript syntax, data types, control strucutres, scopes and references. Webdev - JS Final project teams formed in this week.
03/27 JS & jQuery Manipulating DOM with javascript and jQuery. Webdev - jQuery #HW2 by 4/18
04/03 溫書假 jQuery 補充 (1)
jQuery 補充 (2)
04/10 HTTP, Ajax, Q. Proposal Presentation (I) Fetching remote data and understanding asynchronous control flow. Tutorial - HTTP
04/17 Node.js, ExpressJS. Proposal Presentation (II) Introduction to server-side javascript and the Express web framework. Tutorial - Node.js
#HW3 by 5/9
04/24 Data Parsing, Data Visualization Introduction to data parsing and visualization by g0v lecturers. Data Parsing and Visualization by tkirby #HW4 by 5/23
05/01 Git, Bootstrap Git version control system and Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework. Git
05/08 MongoDB, Mongoose NoSQL database and the Mongoose ORM form MongoDB. MongoDB and Mongoose Tutorial
05/10 Hackathon Hack the Society 無限期支持 g0v 支持 CCSP Hackathon
05/15 Heroku, MongoLab, Github Pages Deploying an app to production server on Heroku, and use MongoLab as the database service provider. Github pages, on the other hand, is a great place to host static websites. Deployment and Others Tutorial #HW5 by 6/2
05/22 Sass, Compass, gulpjs, Bower CSS Preprocessor Sass, its library Compass, and other automation tools. Sass & Compass
Master Tools in F2E (Bower, gulpjs)
05/29 GA, Web Security. User Testing. How to use Google Analytics and some notes about web security. Students will test websites and give feedback to other teams from users' perspective. Google Analytics
Web Security
06/05 Final Project Demo 行前通知

Extended Reading

Title Link
(譯)深入理解Express.js (譯)深入理解Express.js

TA hours


NTU CSIE Mobile HCI Lab (R430)

TA hours: Thur. 14:30 ~ 17:00


NTU CSIE Mobile HCI Lab (R430)

TA hours: Wed. 14:30 ~ 17:00


NTU CSIE Mobile HCI Lab (R430)

TA hours: Fri. 10:00 ~ 12:00


NTU IM CM Lab (管一 503C)

TA hours: Mon. 12:00 ~ 14:00